The story of Neubau began with a group of disrupters who had firsthand experience with the challenges of battery systems and installations. Frustrated by these obstacles, they came together with a common goal to develop and install an energy storage system that embodies the principle "It’s That Easy."
Through years of collaboration and innovation, they developed the patented neuClick solution that eliminates the complexities of traditional systems.
Neubau is dedicated to advancing reliable and clean energy solutions for a sustainable future by developing user-friendly, high-performing, energy storage solutions that make energy storage easy.
We are committed to advancing reliable and clean energy solutions for long-term viability. Creating truly elegant systems that incorporate industry leading functionality into an easy and sophisticated form.
At Neubau, our focus is on developing innovative technologies that not only meet today’s energy demands but also safeguard the environment and resources for generations to come. By prioritizing long-term viability, we aim to create a resilient energy landscape that supports both economic growth and ecological balance.